Android is driving development and growth for every aspect of the mobile industry. The IDC reports some statistics about its 2010 growth, backed by exploding AT&T interest in the platform, and a ground-breaking new duel-screen device by Sprint introduced later today.
“The biggest waves, though, were created by Google’s Android as vendors Samsung and HTC rounded out the top five list of global mobile smartphone vendors. Shipping 23 million smartphones last year compared with 5.5 million in 2009, Samsung’s market share climbed to 7.6 percent from 3.2 percent.”
Beyond Samsung, HTC’s share of the market jumped to 7.1 percent from 4.7 percent. This Android surge is something AT&T noticed as well. All Things D reports that Android is moving towards becoming a major selling point for AT&T, especially now that the iPhone is no longer exclusive to the mobile giant. The company said this Android shift was a move planned throughout months, which eventually resulted in 12 Android smartphones and tablets scheduled for this year.
Demand for Android is booming, and Sprint plans to redirect some of that buzz directly to its new product, the first of its kind dual-screen Android handset dubbed Echo. Details of the device manufactured by the Japanese Kyocera are scarce, but the device is reported to feature two 3.5-inch touch screens and syncing. This means users will be able to slide icons from one screen to another, but the Echo may prove to be unstable and sluggish in light of the duel-screen configurations’ uncertain effectiveness.
The Echo may be the first of its kind, but the Android 3.0-running Motorola Xoom tablet available as of Feb. 24 has high corporate hopes circling it’s upcoming availability.