Welcome to NewsDesk on SiliconANGLE TV for Monday August 12, 2013. President Barack Obama held a press conference Friday to discuss reforms to be made following the ouster of the NSA’s PRISM surveillance program. Joining us now to share details regarding the new reforms is SiliconANGLE Contributing Editor John Casaretto.
The president says that while as commander-in-chief, he has a duty to protect the security of the country, however, it’s not enough for him to have confidence in the security program, the public must as well. In light of recent public leaks of the government’s programs, he has consulted with his national security team and others to reform the system.
While keeping civil liberties ensured, the President still wants additional safeguards such as greater oversight, transparency, and constraints on the government’s surveillance authority – a balancing act that’s easier said than done.
See live feed below or visit youtube.com/siliconangle to watch on-demand.
On today’s NewsDesk with Kristin Feledy, we’ll be discussing the President’s reforms, and what steps he’s unveiled to improve internet security, with our very own security expert John Casaretto. We’ll also be sure to follow-up and ask how these reforms will impact transparency, and how it will affect public-trust, which has slipped following the NSA PRISM scandal.
Going in depth on the subject, we’ll ask John to give us his take on the reforms, and whether or not they’ll meet their goals, and we’ll even get him to give us some insight on whether or not the POTUS will back his word, giving protection to whistleblowers.
There’s this story, and more from David Floyer on all-flash arrays coming up on this morning’s NewsDesk with Kristin Feledy.
See the live broadcast, embedded below. If you missed today’s topic, check our YouTube channel for archived clips.