VMware Inc.’s current and future market position, as well as its cloud strategy, will be major topics of conversation during VMworld 2016, which kicks off today at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV. And with the upcoming Dell Technologies, Inc. acquisition of EMC, parent of VMware, the more than 20,000 expected VMworld attendees will be discussing the looming uncertainty.
“VMware is still the dominant player in server virtualization,” said Stu Miniman (@stu), Wikibon researcher and analyst and cohost of theCUBE, from the SiliconANGLE Media team. “But there’s definitely some people threatening — the Microsofts of the world and the cloud vendors.”
From August 29 to 31, theCUBE will broadcast live from VMworld 2016 US at the Mandalay Bay and talk with industry insiders about compute virtualization, DevOps, networking, and storage, among other hot topics. John Furrier and Stu Miniman, theCUBE cohosts, will speak with:
Don’t miss out on these and other interviews live on theCUBE.
Watch theCUBE live during VMworld 2016 US on SiliconANGLE TV.
Also, make sure to check in during the event with theCUBE hosts John Furrier (@furrier) and Stu Miniman (@stu) via Twitter.
During VMworld 2016 US, theCUBE hosts will discuss the recent approval in China of the $67B Dell-EMC deal, as well as if the deal will become final this week and, if so, the overall market impact. Also up for discussion is VMware rival Nutanix’s upcoming IPO and how it will impact the market.
Find out about these topics and much more on theCUBE.
From August 29 to 31, join theCUBE live during VMworld 2016 US by viewing our real-time video stream here.