James Kobielus

James Kobielus is @theCUBE and Wikibon lead analyst for AI, data, data science, deep learning and application development. Previously, Jim was IBM Corp.'s data science evangelist. He managed IBM's thought leadership, social and influencer marketing programs targeted at developers of big data analytics, machine learning and cognitive computing applications. Prior to his five-year stint at IBM, Jim was an analyst at Forrester Research, Current Analysis and the Burton Group. He is also a prolific blogger, a popular speaker and a familiar face from his many appearances as an expert on theCUBE and at industry events.

Latest from James Kobielus


Straight from Cisco Live: AI optimizes networking across the multicloud

Cisco Systems Inc. is investing heavily in tooling to automate network and resource management up and down the cloud-computing stack. The company’s announcements today at its Cisco Live event in Barcelona show that it remains deeply committed to leveraging artificial intelligence to differentiate its offerings in the multicloud management arena. With its latest announcements, Cisco has extended ...

Harnessing AI to power automated management of containerized multiclouds

Kubernetes has become the backbone of enterprise digital transformation. As mesh and other complex cloud architectures become mainstream, information technology professionals will need to lift, shift and alter countless legacy applications in order to run them over multiclouds that run Kubernetes everywhere. Managing these containerized, orchestrated and virtualized multiclouds will require a new arsenal of ...

Powering a multicloud world: a recap of Wikibon’s Cisco Live Community CrowdChat

Enterprises confront many challenges as they incorporate multicloud computing into their digital transformation initiatives. On Tuesday, Wikibon gathered analysts and cloud experts online in a #CLEUR Community CrowdChat, a targeted discussion forum, to discuss steps for enterprises to succeed in a multicloud world. Here are some of the takeaway comments to key questions we asked: What ...

Virtualization is just getting warmed up

Virtualization is an unstoppable trend under which applications become progressively more abstracted and independent from the underlying platforms on which their services execute. It’s now a well-established practice for enhancing the scalability, portability and efficiency of information technology assets. It supports flexible partitioning, aggregation and composition of compute, storage, memory and bandwidth within and across ...

Step by step, how enterprises should embark on the journey to the cloud

Cloud computing has become the principal paradigm for enterprise applications. As businesses modernize their computing and networking architectures, cloud-native architectures are the principal target environments. As a result, enterprise deployment of all-encompassing cloud computing is accelerating. Many enterprises have embarked on a journey to computing in and across a multiplicity of clouds. These are the chief ...

Using Kubernetes to monitor and control the multicloud networking fabric

Cloud-native computing is transforming the enterprise network as containers carry not only application workloads but more infrastructure functions as well. For enterprises that are implementing policy-based routing in their multiclouds, the journey to incorporating this functionality into their container orchestration backplanes includes the following principal steps: Implement multicloud policy routing with the agility to support ...

Recapping the Think 2019 “Journey to AI” community CrowdChat: AI everywhere

Artificial intelligence is transforming every business process. Developers are incorporating AI – in the form of deep learning, machine learning and kindred technologies – into cloud-native applications and business processes through tools that enable them to compose these features as data-driven microservices. On Thursday, IBM Corp. and SiliconANGLE’s sister market research firm Wikibon held a ...

How to run high-performance Kubernetes apps in the multicloud

Cloud services will account for virtually all data center traffic within the next three years. The evidence: Last year, a report from the Cisco Global Cloud Index predicted that 94 percent of workloads and instances will be processed by cloud data centers in 2021, while a 2017 International Data Corp. study showed that 87 percent of enterprises ...

Implementing the enterprise journey to AI in the cloud

Artificial intelligence is steadily infusing itself into every component of cloud-native computing environments. Developers are incorporating AI — in the form of deep learning, machine learning and kindred technologies — into cloud-native applications and business processes through tools that enable them to compose these features as data-driven microservices. Innovative applications such cognitive chatbots, face recognition, ...

Digital assistants rule the show at CES 2019

Voice-activated digital assistants are the star attraction at this year’s CES consumer electronics show. Considering the attention lavished on them this week in Las Vegas, one would think that Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa have the digital assistant market sewn up. But the competitive playing field is far more complex and dynamic than that. As ...