Kristina Farrah
Latest from Kristina Farrah
You Gotta Stretch That Neck! This Infographic Will Help
Technology is on the rise, and along with it is the growing agitation of my grandparents about how people ceased to go outside and do some manual labor as they prefer to spin away their time in front of their computer screens. But are we to blame? When I spend time with my internet-connected device, ...
Happy 10th Birthday, iPod. You Did Music Right
Today marks a decade of success for the iPod. Launched back on October 23, 2011 by Steve Jobs, it transformed the way music is purchased and disseminated. The first model boasts a 5GB hard drive, a mechanical scroll wheel and a Firewire connection. It can hold up to a thousand songs with battery life that ...
Augmented Reality is the Next GPS
Everything starts with an idea-- but not every single idea that mankind has ever thought of are sane. Or maybe they were, but comprehending them doesn’t come without a person or two saying “huh?” I find it pretty amusing how these once super high technologies fade away to normality with time. Nothing is meant to ...
Springpad Offers Notebook Customization for Recipes, Gifts, and Books
The world has seen a lot of phenomenal things unfold, and as surprising as they were at first, a good deal of them we can’t live without now. I can’t imagine the world without Facebook, without Google, and without the conveniences of the cloud. The internet has paved way to so many great things, and ...
Twitter Possibilities for Real Time Epidemic Tracking, Google to Launch a Music Store
Social media sure is powerful. It allows people to share their thoughts in real time, and has become a tool to amplify small voices that the world has to hear. But the freedom and potency that if offers come with great risks, and this we have to practice with moderation. In fact, during the break ...
SlideRocket Extends the Niftiness of Applications to Support Education
It doesn’t seem too long ago when analysts and pundits alike criticized the idea of marketing software because they didn’t believe that something intangible can actually make real money. Today, however, the tech bubble that used to be the target of hardcore criticism is standing tall and proud as the foundation of modern computes. Indeed, ...
Crowdpark Raises $8M to Develop “Social Betting”
Berlin-based Crowdpark brings yet another social game genre that allows users to bet and compete against each other in betting events using virtual currency, making it a pioneer in the so-called social betting. The game works the same way real-life stock market does, and this is made possible through its patented “dynamic betting” technology. Bringing ...