Mark Albertson

Mark Albertson is a senior writer for theCUBE, SiliconANGLE Media’s livestreaming studio. He is an experienced technology reporter, recognized by Onalytica as a "Who's Who In Cloud Influencer" and named to Peerlyst’s “24 Powerful Cybersecurity Journalists.” Prior to SiliconANGLE, Mark wrote for the San Francisco Examiner, Blasting News, and CBS-Bay Area.

Latest from Mark Albertson


Service meshes and serverless are just a slice of what Kubernetes enables

After two days of presentations and dialogue with attendees at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Seattle this week, observers have seen several key themes emerge, but prime among them is the emergence of container orchestration technology Kubernetes as a central point of activity within the “holy trinity” of storage, compute and networking infrastructure. “De facto standards ...

Mileage rewards program gets boost from blockchain solution for frequent flyers

It’s an all-too-often aggravation for participants in airline frequent flyer programs. Travel, accumulate miles, and then wait weeks to see them posted to a loyalty rewards account. In an effort to enhance the overall experience of its customers, Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. has turned to the blockchain to improve real-time mileage crediting and other features ...

Life in the fast lane: TransCore turns to Datrium for speed and backup in toll tag business

It’s hard to envision a technology that has endured for more than 80 years. Yet, when TransCore LP installed radio communications in 1939 on the country’s first toll road in Pennsylvania, it sparked an engineering solution that has grown exponentially as the nation’s transportation infrastructure expanded by leaps and bounds. As automated systems replaced human ...

AWS brings ease-of-use and transaction tracking to blockchain with two new services

One year ago at re:Invent, Amazon Web Services Inc. executives appeared to be in no major rush to roll out new products for developers in the blockchain space. That changed in a hurry last month as AWS introduced two new services designed to make the blockchain easier to use and scale up to support applications. “In ...

Rise of managed services is filling in the Kubernetes gaps

In an appearance at KubeCon one year ago, Kelsey Hightower, staff developer advocate for Google Cloud Platform, spoke about how the Kubernetes container orchestration system was setting the stage for technology partners. Today, the stage is set, the audience is in the seats, the music is playing and the production is well underway. Offering a ...

From ship to shore to cloud, NetScout offers visibility without borders

Among the customers served by NetScout Systems Inc., provider of application and network performance management products, is one of the largest cruise line companies in the world. Cruise ships today are floating information technology operations with bow-to-stern wireless connectivity, digital signage, and entertainment services tracking. The travel services customer relies on NetScout’s nGeniusONE platform and ...

Analysis from KubeCon: Kubernetes matures as the user community grows

The evolution of the Kubernetes container management platform was on full display today as the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon conference kicked off in Seattle. Noteworthy on the first day of keynotes was a laundry list of major tech players making announcements at the event. In addition to Google LLC, Amazon Web Services Inc. and Microsoft Corp., other firms making Kubernetes-related ...

Low code movement drives custom platforms that are fast, agile and automated

The world of developer operations is maturing to a point where automation is having a significant impact on how computing systems are built and deployed. The “low code or no code era” is giving way to what Accenture LLP calls the “renaissance of custom,” fueled by demand for the bespoke software applications driving business in the enterprise. ...

In the data center without walls, NetScout manages rapid innovation and business expectations

Companies like NetScout Systems Inc. can put the current state of the tech industry in some perspective. Founded more than 30 years ago, the firm has witnessed the engines of technology ramp up in speed and complexity, yet there is still one requirement that hasn’t changed. “We’ve seen so much technical transformation; it’s so rapid ...

WuXi NextCODE tackles genomic sequencing with help from NetApp’s Cloud Volumes

When WuXi NextCODE Genomics Inc. was struggling with network scalability issues for its highly complex genomic sequencing datasets, its commitment to a cloud infrastructure was called into question. Presented with NetApp’s Cloud Volumes fully managed cloud storage solution for its dense workloads, the company’s chief information officer devised a basic query to test it out. WuXi NextCODE ...