Rachel Schramm

Rachel Schramm is a staff writer for SiliconANGLE. She often covers conference segments and is particularly interested in the way Big Data can help civic, educational, environmental, and earth science organizations gain a better understanding of the world in which we live. Rachel is a world traveler but currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Latest from Rachel Schramm

How OpenStack brought Cisco and Red Hat together | #OOW14

OpenStack “got the network side of Cisco [Systems Inc.] much more engaged in Red Hat,” said Mike Evans, Red Hat’s VP of Technical Business Development. Because OpenStack supersizes storage, networking and compute, it’s been effective at “connecting Cisco technology with RedHat technology,” for public and private cloud, including crafting public and private cloud. Cisco and ...

NoSQL “part and parcel” of Oracle Big Data strategy | #OOW14

“As NoSQL matures, it will be very much part and parcel of what Oracle views as their big data strategy,” said Oracle Corp.‘s Dave Segleau, director of product management for NoSQL Database, Berkeley DB and Database Mobile Server. Segleau explained that while it’s “very early” for NoSQL databases, Oracle recognizes their potential in the big ...

Real-time data is crucial Royal Flying Doctors | #Splunkconf

The Royal Flying Doctor Service, an Australian nonprofit, uses dashboards from Splunk Inc. to support their day-to-day mission, providing medical care via airplane to remote communities throughout Australia. The Royal Flying Doctor Service uses Splunk to index data from two main sources: flight trackers from Flight Explorer and temperature sensors from Corintech vaccine-bearing refrigerators and boxes. Once ...

Splunk accepts mantle of security provider | #Splunkconf

Although security was not Splunk Inc.’s original mission, it has become a leading solution for the multinational corporation, said Haiyan Song, SVP of Security Markets at Splunk. The goal at Splunk is for people to build security applications on the Splunk platform, which provides “a specific framework and capabilities” upon which partners can build their own ...

Splunk Down Under: Aussie sheds light on his tech industry | #Splunkconf

The Splunk Inc. conference attracted attendees from all parts of the tech industry, and the world. Writer and blogger Paul Walbank flew up from his native Australia to learn more about a company that’s “making a big difference with business.” Primarily focused on Big Data, Walbank was drawn to Splunk because he’s tracking tools that enable ...

Standardizing the standards: How ISO puts log data to work | #Splunkconf

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) began using Splunk Inc. data management tools to meet the demands of working with countries in different timezones. The ability to automate correspondence with clients was essential to the ISO’s ability to respond to requests at all hours of the day. Marie-Helene Lesourd, a Systems Manager at ISO, spoke with Jeff ...

Splunk faces these two challenges with its rapid, pricy growth | #Splunkconf

Not only has attendance increased at this year’s Splunk Inc. conference, but the variety of attendees ranged as well: there were companies just beginning to implement Splunk, people who adopted the data management platform a few years ago, and established users sharing ideas and use cases. In a final wrap-up segment, theCUBE hosts Jeff Kelly and Jeff Frick ...

Going beyond “whack-a-mole” security: How one bank uses Splunk | #Splunkconf

Rather than relying on staff to detect recognizable threats, Flagstar Bank is using Splunk Inc. products and plugins to exercise predictive analytics and address threats from within the security perimeter. The data management platform helped Flagstar build a more proactive security system, said David Casey, the bank’s Assistant VP, Security Operations Manager. Casey shared a specific ...

Splunk is the end of data scientists | #Splunkconf

Splunk Inc. has achieved phenomenal growth because they make it simple for nontechnical professionals to “quickly interrogate data” and mine it for insight, said Forrester Analyst John Rakowski. For him, Splunk’s ability to deliver more automated services around data analytics could both empower brands from the IT department and beyond, and change the role of data ...

Fueling innovation though DevOps culture and tools | #Splunkconf

Splunk Inc. plans to tackle DevOps head on by creating an “all over tool” that facilitates interaction between developers and operations, said the data management company’s Director of Developer marketing, Jon Rooney during a live interview on theCUBE. With this unified apparatus, Splunk hopes to break down “some of the stove pipes” between these two essential components ...