Victor Dabrinze

Victor is a seasoned writer covering live events with theCUBE, a SiliconAngle Media initiative. As a digital content aficionado and a tech nerd, he has cut his teeth across both sides of the pond. He sees the world as an incredibly diverse, infinite expanse and takes every available chance to learn something new. In his spare time, Victor enjoys outdoor activities such as go-karting, paintballing, and soccer.

Latest from Victor Dabrinze


DeepRacer machine learning platform offers a fun way to learn ML

This week’s Amazon re:MARS event spotlighted cutting edge technologies, including machine learning, automation, robotics and space exploration. Machine learning, in particular, has seen advanced by leaps and bounds recently, and one such project is Amazon Web Services Inc.’s DeepRacer program. “DeepRacer is the fastest way to get hands-on with machine learning,” said Mike Miller (pictured), director of ...

The cutting-edge cloud tech powering NASA’s breakthrough Artemis program

Technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence and automation have already transformed society. But organizations are continuing to innovate using this tech for enterprise computing. Some companies are even partnering on technology that goes beyond Earth. For instance, Amazon Web Services Inc. and NASA are applying these technological underpinnings toward breakthrough cosmic exploration. “Orion is our ...

The new Capital One Software biz launches Slingshot platform

Capital One Financial Corp. recently launched its new enterprise B2B software business, Capital One Software, which focuses on providing cloud and data management solutions for companies operating in the cloud. The business unit’s first product release is its Slingshot platform, a data management solution for customers of Snowflake that helps businesses accelerate adoption of the Snowflake Data ...

Pure Storage targets storage agility and ROI with Evergreen//Flex

Some of the key insights revealed at the recent “At Your Storage Service” event centered on true storage-as-a-service, why it’s catching on, and the capacity requirements to deliver the consumption model in its authentic form. Pure Storage Inc.’s announcement of Evergreen//Flex is a reaffirmation of its commitment to delivering value within the STaaS model. “Evergreen//Flex takes the ...

The evolution of collaboration in the Data Cloud: Snowflake co-founder weighs in

Evolution and pivoting are integral as companies scale, allowing them to incorporate more features and capabilities in a bid to serve a wider audience, drive expanded business objectives and deliver solutions to more use cases. Snowflake Inc. started its journey by providing a combined big data and data warehouse solution, infused with an elasticity and ...

Data collaboration vital for successful digital transformation, says Deloitte

Organizations are increasingly embracing data collaboration for effective digital transformation,  and technologies and techniques continue to evolve. As companies leverage the expertise of professional services organizations to drive their data maturity goals, the gospel of data collaboration and sharing is taking on wings. “We often tell folks that data has and will continue to be ...

Pure Storage addresses unstructured data demands and modern application growth with FlashBlade//S release

As companies scale, the time taken to extract actionable insights from data becomes increasingly crucial. With its new FlashBlade product release, Pure Storage Inc. is meeting that point of need, among  others. “It’s easy to say that it’s just the latest and greatest version of the FlashBlade, but obviously it’s a lot more than that,” said Matt Burr (pictured), ...

Slalom GM shares her take on why cloud adoption is trending upward

There’s a divide in the enterprise computing space on whether companies should go full-on cloud, employ hybrid infrastructures, or remain on-premises with their data. While there isn’t a consensus yet, the adoption numbers on cloud are clearly trending upward, casting an optimistic light on what’s to come. “I think they’re flocking to the cloud,” said Hilary Feier ...

Snowflake fleshes out its ‘data cloud thesis’ with new announcements

Organizations can have all the cutting-edge cloud infrastructure, but it all falls flat without the proper tools needed to harness and take advantage of their data resources. Catering to that need, Snowflake Inc. made a slew of announcements during its the Day 1 Keynote at this week’s Snowflake Summit. “I think the Native Application Framework ...

Infosys, Snowflake partner to unlock new possibilities with data and AI

As more organizations shift their resources from on-premises to cloud infrastructures, they must deal with the added complexities of technologies like artificial intelligence. To do so, many organizations are relying on solutions to ease the transition. Industry disruptor Snowflake Inc. is answering the call. The company is tapping its ecosystem of partners to help the enterprise break ...