Every time there is an infection point in technological innovations, the licensing dynamic comes up. With things becoming more open with data, licensing code should ...
Even though DevOps shortens production cycles, the popping up of multi-clusters is making it cumbersome. Through instant platform engineering, D2iQ Inc. offers a production-ready and ...
Cloud-native tools are seeing steady forward movement, with Kubernetes’ ability to manage application states as a strong example. Organizations are now deploying and managing stateful ...
Years ago, before Kubernetes gained popularity, platform engineering was a much more tedious field, involving the development of all applications from the ground up. Zeet ...
C-suite executives, especially those in technical roles, always crave faster solutions that are scalable and cost-effective. While those demands are fair, infrastructural underpinnings, such as ...
Since Kubernetes has gone mainstream, teaching younger people about the technology is important for next-gen talent. During the recent Kid’s Day – a co-located KubeCon ...
As platform engineering continues to redefine information technology, it’s emerging as the new version of what modern and seamless IT should look like. With platform ...
Although the acceleration of technology has led to life-changing innovations throughout the years, complex technologies can be tricky to fully utilize, causing some organizations to ...
Open-sourced platform Cilium was created by Isovalent Inc. to help address the rising security and networking challenges emerging as cloud-native environments, including Kubernetes, grow in ...
Progress toward greater gender diversity in the technology world appears to have stalled. AnitaB.org has reported that the percentage of women in technical roles stands ...
The data landscape is experiencing massive shifts, with exponential growth and the size of active workloads exploding. With artificial intelligence gaining popularity as well, innovations ...
Recent advances in artificial intelligence have opened up a whole new world of data usage for enterprise developers. The ability of AI to channel massive ...