I’m proud to bring you news about Pearltrees, the company I’ve been working with the past year: this morning it announced it has reached 100,000 members and monthly traffic of 10 million pageviews — that’s about 100 page views per month per member.
This makes Pearltrees the largest curation community on the web. That’s a great achievement and it comes at a great time because curation has become a hot topic as Internet users struggle to find spam-free content.
Patrice Lamothe, CEO of Pearltrees, said: “Passionate people need a place to organize and share the digital items they like. The social magic of Pearltrees is that people can discover others passions and can base their exchanges on these common interests. It represents a new form a social interaction.”
Oliver Starr, chief US evangelist for Pearltrees (and former Techcrunch employee #1) said: “The strong, consistent growth of Pearltrees’ community shows that people enjoy playful ways to organize digital items. It also demonstrates the popularity of the “team” social feature that enables people to curate the same pearltree together in real time. With the release of our new social features we have seen a real acceleration in the growth and development of our community.”
A key feature of Pearltrees’ community growth is that it has been steady and consistent since its launch in December 2009. This is not a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon as has been seen in the sudden and often temporary popularity of online services such as Quora, Instagram, Foursquare, and others.
Later this year Pearltrees will release an HTML 5 version that will run on iPad and other tablet computers. There are also plans for a private version for businesses seeking to curate content for internal use.
The ultimate vision of Pearltrees is to build a human web — a parallel curated web that lifts the best content out of an ocean of mediocre, search engine optimized commercial content.
[Editor’s Note: Cross-posted at Silicon Valley Watcher. -mrh]