Even though Instagram’s backpedaled on its controversial update to its Terms of Service, the damage has been done (more analysis on that in the video below). Many users have deleted their accounts, promising never to use Instagram again. If your among that crowd, here’s some worthy alternatives to consider.
If you think adding filters isn’t artistic enough for you, then try Colorized as it lets you sketch, trace and remix photos. In sketching, you can start with a blank canvass then doodle your heart out, but you can also incorporate a photo to make your sketch more interesting. Or you can just take a photo, either in black and white or in color, then trace the outline of the photo’s subject and color it in. You can also add to other people’s work if you think you can do a photo more justice. It’s available for iOS.
Yahoo! recently revamped their Flickr mobile app and it now features photo editing, and 15 filters: Panda, Mammoth, Ocelot, Chameleon, Wallaby, Iguana, Aardvark, Narwhal, Salamander, Flamingo, Toucan, Orca, Peacock, Chinchilla, Orangutan and of course the 16th, though not really a filter, is the “Original.” It also lets you enhance, change the orientation of the photo, crop, adjust brightness, tweak the contrast, change the saturation, adjust sharpness, draw on the photo, add text, remove red eye, whiten teeth and remove blemishes before you share your photo to other Flickr users, on Facebook, and even on Twitter.
The microblogging site also released a new version of their mobile app, days before Yahoo released the new Flickr app, that features photo editing capabilities. This was their answer to Instagram’s deletion of their Twitter cards that prevented Instagram users from sharing their photos on Twitter. It has 8 filters: Vignette, Black & White, Warm, Cool, Vintage, Cinematic, Happy and Gritty and it allows users to scale, move, and crop photos, plus there’s an auto-enhance button for those lazy moments when you want a perfect looking photo in just one touch of a button.
You can also try these other apps: Burstn – a free app for iPhone but can also be used as a web app and offer photo filtering just like Instagram, that allows you to share on Twitter or Facebook; Camera360 Ultimate – a free app for Android phones that also offers photo filtering and shares photos on Twitter and Facebook; or Steamzoo – this free app lets you share photos on Twitter, Facebook and anywhere on the web, available for iOS and Android, plus it allows you to put filters on photos so you can always make yourself feel like a professional photographer. ;)
Quick tip
Before you go and delete your Instagram account, make sure you backup all your photos because some of those photos, I’m sure, hold some memories that you will treasure forever. But if you’re ready to toss your Instagram, you can use Instaport or Instarchive, which lets you download a compressed file containing all your Instagram photos but be patient because it may take awhile.
For more analysis on user backlash for Instagram’s ToS, see contributing editor John Cassaretto on this morning’s NewsDesk program with Kristin Feledy.