Daisy Whitney
Latest from Daisy Whitney
New Media Minute: How to Have an Awesome Tablet Strategy
Got an iPad strategy yet for your brand? If not, you should since 24 million consumers will have tablets this year. But should you charge for your app? Should you create for all types of tablets? How can you best use the platform? These questions and others answered by interactive strategist Andrew Solmssen from media ...
Online Video to the TV Ad Rescue
Nielsen recently reported that the number of TV homes in the U.S. has dropped due in part to younger consumers going without paid TV. Online viewing may fill in the gap though, because the CW has found that viewers stay tuned for all the ads in its full-episode streaming online; plus YouTube offers some compelling ...
New Media Minute: How to Optimize Your Site for Mobile
Smartphone users are much more likely to take action, such as buying a product, after seeing a mobile ad. And that action, usually starts with mobile search. According to a new study from Google, about 71 percent of smartphone users search for related content on their Smartphones after being exposed to ads online and offline. ...
New Media Minute: How to Grow Your YouTube Audience
Want to know the secrets to success on YouTube? Then you’ll want to watch this exclusive New Media Minute interview with YouTube exec Bing Chen who offers tips on brand identity, how to use your dashboard to improve your videos, how to tag and annotate YouTube videos for the best results, and how to truly ...
The Three Golden Rules of Social Media
Social media is a powerful marketing tool, but most posts fade quickly – 92% of retweets happen in the first hour, and Facebook posts receive the most comments in the first few hours, says social media expert Steve Rubel. But long-term social success is possible by keeping three golden rules in mind. For details on ...
How any Brand, Company, or Producer Can Use Moble Bar Codes to Market
Marketers and advertisers are increasingly turning to bar codes as one of the hot new media platforms. Given the prevalence of smart phones, brands have recognized the opportunity to connect with consumers via these ubiquitous codes. Startups like Shopkick and Checkpoints have jumped into the mobile bar code business, while premium networks, events companies and ...